Our Approach
The Passivhaus design approach is vital for net zero carbon emissions. A Passivhaus has less heat loss and energy use so fewer renewable energy sources are needed. Reducing embodied carbon in construction materials is also vital to reduce carbon emissions early in the life cycle of the building: we know how to do this.
We ensure that we fully understand our clients' needs and the site constraints, and our designs will include:
The best use of sunlight and daylight.
A sense of place and space.
An efficient layout with little wasted space, including sensible layouts for the ventilation systems required by Passivhaus.
Durable and resource efficient materials.
Accessibility and ease of use for all.
We understand the planning system including the constraints that it can pose, and can prepare the following:
Pre-application submissions.
Planning Applications including Design and Access Statements.
Public consultation events.
Planning Appeals.
We have a long track record of providing effective and reliable construction information that minimises surprises on site and can achieve the Passivhaus requirements for low air leakage and minimal thermal bridging.